A group of people makes bionic arms. The arms are 3D printed. The people give the arms to children.
One boy doesn’t have two complete arms. One of his arms is OK. The other one is short. It ends with his elbow. The group gives the boy a bionic arm. It looks like Iron Man’s arm. Who gives the boy the arm? Iron Man, of course!
Robert Downy Jr is an actor. He plays Iron Man. He is the boy’s idol.
Level Three Version
He plays a bionic character in a film franchise, but it seems Robert Downey Jr is a superhero in real life, too. Posing as his Iron Man character, the star made this disabled fan’s dreams come true.
“Pleasure to meet you. Have another bionics expert on hand, so I thought I’d drop by.”
“Thank you.”
“Yes, it’s pleasure. Nice bowtie by the way.”
“How were your travels?”
“It was very good!”
“Well, I thought I'd bring one of my gauntlets to match it up with yours and see if everything's copacetic. You want to have a look?”
Seven-year-old Alex Pring was born with a partially developed arm, seemed a little star-struck when he met his idol, but they soon hit it off.
“Do you know who that is?”
“Iron Man.”
“What’s his name?”
The star then presented his friend with a new gift – a bionic arm of his very own. The 3D replica was even better than the real thing.
“Um, as you can see my light isn't working. Half the time, you know, I design one of these, it winds up breaking on me. But what I do is I keep working on it. Kind of like you're working on it with Albert.”
“He keeps working and working until he gets it right.”
“Yeah. I think yours is still a little bit more right than mine because at least, you know…”
“The light’s working.”
“The light works, yeah.”
The arm was made by a volunteer group started by Alberto Manero to make free bionic arms for kids. Downey Jr later took to his Facebook page, calling Alex the most dapper seven-year-old he's ever met.
“Bang, nailed it!”
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